PS I Love You is able to meet the needs of hundreds of foster children each year because of your generous donations.
Host a Collection
All throughout the year organizations and companies partner with PS I Love You Ministries to provide items needed for the Resource Center. Want to host a specific collection to match a theme or desired event? No problem. We can match specific items and needs to match your organizational plans, as well as provide promotional materials and a collection bin for your business or event.
Pack a Care Bag
When a child enters into the foster care system, we pack them what is called a "Care Bag". Foster children often come into care with little to nothing to call their own. These Care Bags are a way of helping met some of the most immediate needs. In this care bag, we put necessity items: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, hairbrush, diapers, wipes, toy or stuff animal, blanket and bible. Each bag contains approximately $75-100 worth of items.
We personalize these bags to match the appropriate age of the child. Click on the link and pack a bag for a foster child!
"Care bags are just what my husband and I needed when we learned we were getting new foster children. The care bags were filled with items that we needed to meet the needs of the children we were receiving. The best part about a care bag, from PS I Love You, is knowing the children coming into our home, are being prayed over before, during, and after the packing and delivery."
Thank You PS I Love You Ministries!
- Jason & Kelly McLean