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Blessing HIS Kids: Susan's Story

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

My name is Susan Renard and I am Family Services Coordinator for PS I Love You Ministry. We have very generous people that support, us and walk with us through this journey. That's one of the things a lot of times people say, what can I do? I can't foster. But what is something that I can do? And donating to our ministry is something very tangible that they can do. We take gently used or new clothing for our kids. We're very particular about that because we want our kids to feel like they're not taking hand-me-downs. So our Closet is set up like a special boutique. So that's one of the things that you can do is donate clothing.

The other thing would be that we have donors that just support our other needs that we have.

We had over 1,300 visits to our closet in 2023. We're able to do that because of donors who give to our ministry, we're able to have mom's nights out for our ministries. We're able to do different activities, family activities for the kids that they wouldn't get to do otherwise.

Jason Johnson is an advocate for foster families, and Jason has a quote that I would love to share with you just to talk about how the community can be supportive of us. “God sees hard places and broken people. In our case, it's broken children and families. And He moves towards them, not away from them.”  Just think about that. What would be your next step in supporting PS I Love You Ministries?

What a blessing it's been to have the support of our community. And we're so thankful. We couldn't do what we do without our community without churches and businesses. And it's from a heart of gratitude that we want to say, thank you.

Thank you for believing in us and thank you for providing for His kids. That's why we do what we do is to provide for God's kids.  The Bible's clear that we're to take care of the orphan and the widow in their distress. And so thank you for being a part of what we do every day. We couldn't do it without the support of the people around us.

For more information about supporting PS I Love You Ministry, explore these links...



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