I'm Kerry Davis. My husband and I began foster care in 2002 and then ended up adopting two girls, who are sisters, who are now 19 and 28, and the love of our lives. And at the time I looked into doing some volunteer work and foster care and adoption has always been, had a very special place in my heart.
And I heard about PS I Love You through some friends of ours. My ears perked up and I thought this is the kind of place I would like to volunteer. And the more I heard about it the more I loved the whole idea behind it. When my husband and I were foster parents, there was nothing like this. There was no help as far as clothes and that type of thing.
It was something that I wanted to be a part of, not only because it helped the children in foster care, but they also love on the foster parents, by doing things for them, by recognizing them, by realizing just how difficult it is to love on these children who have had a hard past, who've had hard lives.
I come every Wednesday from 12:30 until 2:30. And I'm usually in the donation room over here and we're sorting clothes or putting clothes, matching outfits. Sometimes we're down in the other building hanging up clothes if it's close to maybe a switchover time between the seasons. I love that they give such attention to quality for the children, that they're able to come and choose eight outfits and brand new pajamas in a package and socks and underwear and toys. I love coming every Wednesday. It's something I don't like to miss.
For those who can't come physically and work for 2 hours, there are so many different ways that they can help this organization.
Our goal at PS I Love You is to serve foster children. That's our main goal. But we couldn't do that without the support of our community, and our donors, and our volunteers. It's a blessing to have the community come alongside of us and partner with us. We couldn't do what we do without it.
For more information about volunteering at PS I Love You Ministry, explore these links...

by emailing info@psiloveyouministries.org