Recommended Reads
for Foster Parents
Fields of the Fatherless by Tom Davis
In Bible times, God maintained a special provision for the less fortunate. As His people harvested their fields, they were instructed to always leave a portion of the crops for those in need.
Today, God's heart continues to beat for the poor, the widows, and the fatherless. And as His children, our divine commission remains the same, a directive that's nothing less than the heart of the Christian message.
Author Tom Davis encourages us to move beyond words and become Christ to those in need. Join Tom as he shares a journey from around the world and our own backyard as people's lives are changed through the power of compassion. Filled with remarkable stories of hope and mercy, Fields of the Fatherless will inspire you to love "the least of these," and discover the joy found in becoming the hands and feet of Christ.
When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert
"We live at a time when it has become popular to be an activist for the poor. But before we all run over to Africa to "do something," this book is a must read! The impact of good but uninformed intentions leads to unintended consequences that can be damaging to everyone involved. This book will help all of us--churches, mission, Christian relief and development organizations, and donors--to establish the right foundation for our ministry to the "least of these" and for the church to do this work as God intended."
-DARYL HEALD, Senior Vice President of the Maclellan Foundation
The Connected Child by Karyn Purvis
The adoption of a child is always a joyous moment in the life of a family. Some adoptions, though, present unique challenges. Welcoming these children into your family--and addressing their special needs--requires care, consideration, and compassion.
Written by two research psychologists specializing in adoption and attachment, The Connected Child will help you:
Build bonds of affection and trust with your adopted child
Effectively deal with any learning or behavioral disorders
Discipline your child with love without making him or her feel threatened
This book is truly outstanding because of its numerous examples of scripts and phrases that parents can use.This book is strongly recommended.

Walk To Beautiful by Jimmy Wayne
Imagine yourself a thirteen-year-old hundreds of miles away from home, in a strange city, and your mom leaves you at a bus station parking lot and drives off into the night with her lover.
That’s the real life story of country music star Jimmy Wayne. It’s a miracle that Jimmy survived being hungry and homeless, bouncing in and out of the foster care system, and sleeping in the streets. But he didn’t just overcome great adversity in his life; he now uses his country music platform to help children everywhere, especially teenagers in foster care who are about to age out of the system.
Walk to Beautiful is the powerfully emotive account of Jimmy’s horrendous childhood and the love shown him by Russell and Bea Costner, the elderly couple who gave him a stable home and provided the chance to complete his education. Jimmy says of Bea, “She changed every cell in my body.”